Feds boosting mental health access, treatment
Dr. Wendy James – POV – Feds boosting mental health access, treatment
As a psychologist, I agree with Dr. Lieberman, president of American Psychiatric Association statement, “up to now, the law has not been complied with…companies have only sort of adhered to it”. Private insurances need to comply.
- There is a stigma attached to mental illness
- Americans are reporting they have a problem with a person with mental illness
- Assume they are more violent, do not want to be friends, do not want then in their workplace or to marry into their family (Journal of Health and Social Behavior)
- Americans are reporting they have a problem with a person with mental illness
- The stigma of mental health results in those with mental health issues that need to be treated; refusing treatment, not taking their medication and not dealing effectively with their mental health problems.
-It also affects our Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Veterans in defense industry often lose their clearance if they seek psychological treatment
- We tend to ignore it in our community and fail to recognize that the person needs help. Fear of violence results in no action until there is violence
- 1 in 4 adults have a diagnosable mental illness (National Institute of Mental Health)
- Seek help early and get treatment.
- Family members, schools and communities need to be aware of those they know need help and help them seek treatment
- Concerns
- Less psychiatric hospitals, less stay in a hospital or facility for treatment
- More isolation from social interaction, increase in physical problems and fear of stigma results in fear to seek treatment.
- Result downward spiral
- Psychologists need to diagnose and develop a treatment plan. The goal to help them be responsible and productive members of society and our workplace